Monday, June 23, 2008


I have finally listed some burp cloths on Etsy. I haven't listed anything there for probably a year so it feels good to finally get that checked off my list. Etsy is a little different than ebay because it only lets you upload five photos so I can't show all of my fabric. So, I have to list each print separately which means I need to go through all of my photos (probably thousands) to find the files I need. So stay tuned and hopefully I'll be adding more and more over the week. Etsy is really growing thanks to Martha having several Etsy sellers on her show this past year. Also with ebay alienating so many sellers with their fee and feedback changes a lot of people are going to Etsy so I have joined them.

Here is my Etsy link- you can also find it on the right side of the blog.

Etsy link

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