Friday, July 17, 2009


Have you heard the expression "The shoemaker's wife has no shoes."? Sometimes I feel like that with my friends. "The baby gift maker's friends have no gifts." I was finally able to finish up some gifts for my friends but still have a few to get started for babies that were born in April! Do I dare buy them something from a store??? Just kidding, I'd never do that!

Big Sister/Baby Sister set for my friend Jeannine's little girls. I also made a burp cloth set but forgot to take a picture.

Pirate shirt for Stef's son Jesse that I promised to make months ago.

Key Fob for my son's first grade teacher.

Julie, Heather and Jeannine's are gifts...the others were orders. I made the pink ribbon key fob for Heather because she just finished her fifth year being on the crew at the Avon Breast Cancer Walk in San Francisco. She raised a bunch of money in honor of our dear friend Kiersten who lost her long battle with breast cancer last year at the age of 37. I'm so proud of Heather for all she's done!

Make-up bag for one of my best friends. Wish I could have gotten it done for her in time for her trip to Hawaii back in May!

The following two shirts were orders...cute summer shirts!

Sample dress I made for the sewing class I teach. Once I got the hang of using the elastic thread it was really easy to make. Too bad none of my kids can wear it! It worked out though because my friend's daughter just had a birthday so I gave it to her and she looked super cute in it.

Thanks for looking!