Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Etsy and Twitter

It feels like all I've heard about the past few weeks is twitter, twitter, twitter. It's kind of how facebook was a few months ago. I have set up a twitter account. My whole name wouldn't fit so I'm SDBeachBaby so if you're on twitter come follow me! You can also see my updates on the right hand side.

Also, after months of getting asked if I'm on etsy I decided to finally relist some items in my store. I had some things in there a long time ago and didn't have much success but etsy hasn't gotten a lot more popular so hopefully I'll have better luck. If you're on etsy please add me as one of your favorite shops. My id is sandiegobeachbaby. There is a link also on the right hand side.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

More bags...

I LOVE how this bag came out...sadly I had to part with it. It's for a good cause though. My MOPS group is having a Great Moms Walk fundraiser and I donated it for the silent auction. I may have to bid on it myself- or make myself a new one.

Dance/cheer bag I made for one of my best friend's daughter. I got the colors wrong but she still loved it.

I noticed a lot of pregnant women around lately. If you need a nice gift check out my Baby Gift Bucket below. These are being donated for my MOPS fundraiser so they say "Beach Baby" but I can personalize them to say the baby's name.


All wrapped up...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Spring!

Here are some fun shirts for spring. I'm also working on some new totes I will post soon. I'm still super busy with the usual burp cloth and shirt orders but have a lot of fun ideas I want to get made and listed soon. I wish I could add a few extra hours to everyday!

Cute onesies for twins...
