Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back to my roots

First off let me say that I can't believe it has been two weeks since I posted last. I feel like I just posted the other day. My oldest son "graduated" from Kindergarten last week so we've had a flurry of end of the year stuff to do. I thought once summer started I'd have all this extra time to blog, sew, clean, workout, etc. because I wouldn't be shuttling everyone around town all day. Boy was I wrong. I am now the Activity Director for my three little guys who expect me to keep them entertained ALL day. This is going to be a long summer! But I shouldn't complain- we are having a lot of fun.

So this brings me to the pictures below. Monday is our designated "craft day" and our first project was making tie-dye shirts. Sounds fun right? Not so much with a three year old that just wants to squirt the color all over and not listen, LOL. Luckily I had the sense to put the baby down for a nap before we started! We all got lots of dye on us (some of which is still stained on my hands and nails) and we did have fun. Below are some pictures- and don't worry, we did not leave the house all dressed in our tie-dye shirts together.

Oh, and let me explain the back to the roots part. I grew up in a small Northern California town. I love to say that it's still stuck in the 60's, lots of old hippies still around. I get a big kick out of it when I go back to visit in the summer because it is just so the opposite of where I live now.

My two oldest doing their new favorite pose

The baby who got to sleep through it all

My cool tank top. My mom will be shocked to see me wear this!


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