Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Year, New Posts

Yeah, yeah - I know it's been a long time. I'm not even going to try to promise that I'll post more because whenever I say that I don't blog for months so let's just see what happens.

Anyway, what a crazy holiday season! I barely got all my shopping done by Christmas Eve. The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas were just a whirlwind. I had all these plans to make a bunch of gifts but half of them didn't happen. I took on too much for others. I've decided this year I need to one, become more organized, and two, sometimes turn down requests that are too much or stress me out. I didn't do any sewing the last two weeks of December and it was much needed break. Now I'm re-energized and ready to take on 2009. I even have three things posted on ebay! They are the usual burp cloths, a Valentines shirt and a St. Patrick's Day onesie. Check them out below. I'm also including some recent projects.

Happy New Year!

Valentine's Day Shirt
Ebay link

St. Patrick's Day Shirt
Ebay link

Some recent burp cloths...
Ebay link

And some non-Hawaiian/Surf burp cloths. I love how these came out.

The Christmas gifts I made for the girls at my MOPS table. Little door hangers.

And a few other Christmas gifts I made....