Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Big Changes

I have a really good excuse for not posting in so long-we've moved! Shortly after my last post we found out we needed to move to Northern California for my husband's job. With school starting in mid-August we had to move super-fast and in exactly three weeks we were rolling up to our new home. I have been extremely homesick for San Diego but I've been feeling a little better in the past week. I grew up in this area and had my 20th high school reunion on Saturday. I reconnected with lots of people, (some I've known since elementary school) and a few of them even live in the same town we moved to so my outlook is getting better. We hope to get back to San Diego soon but for now I'm going to enjoy spending time with my family and childhod friends and hope to make new friends too!

Anyway, I wasn't able to sew for about a month but have finally been working on orders again. Thanks to all my loyal clients who have been so patient. It's taking me a little longer to finish orders as I get adjusted to our new schedule and routines but I hope to be back in full swing in October.

Below are a few things I did before we moved. I will post some new things as I get them done soon.

Toddler Birthday Shirts

Cute tote for a little girl

Thanks for stopping by- I will be posting a lot of new Key Fob designs soon!