Monday, August 4, 2008

Going Green

Here's a fun craft project I did recently with the kids. We decorated canvas bags to take to the grocery store. My oldest is very concerned about plastic bags getting into the ocean and hurting the whales and dolphins. I think it's so sweet that he wants to do something to help the environment at such a young age!

I bought these canvas bags at They also sell plain canvas bags at craft stores like Michaels (don't forget your coupon!). I just used regular craft paint and foam stamps for the kids. I also sprayed some Scotchgard on them. I don't know if they will do well being washed. If you are concerned about that you might want to use fabric paint. I placed some cardboard inside the bag when we put stamped them so it wouldn't bleed through to the other side.

For the bags I made I used real fruit as stamps. It didn't come out as well as I had hoped but the citrus one is ok (I used oranges, lemons and limes). The other one used apples and pears. I think one made with handprints would be fun too.

It's messy but fun! Let me know if you try it!

Ryan getting ready to stamp

My homemade fruit stamps

Ryan's bag

Kyle's bag

My citrus bag

My apple/pear bag


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